If you have your own blog or site you might as well earn some money from it by running some advertising on it. I have an entire website devoted to explaining how advertising and affiliate programs work. If you have a site of your own, it's worth taking a look at http://putyoursitetowork.googlepages.com/.
I recommend the following advertising companies. All three are free to join!
Widget Bucks gives you a $25 sign up bonus and have a low $50 minimum cashout. They also have a referral program in which you can make a percentage of what ever your referrals make with their advertising. You can try them out for free by clicking the button below.
When looking for a free advertising program to go with to monetize your site, AdSense is the huge monster in the industry that everyone knows about. But there is a new advertising program on the market that may soon be the next giant. It is called NetAudioAds and they offer PPP (pay per play) ads instead of PPC (pay per click) ads. This is a very exciting concept! With PPC ads, you don't make money unless someone clicks on one of your ads and more and more people are beginning to ignore text and image ads. With PPP ads, however, a 5 second audio ad plays as soon as someone loads up your site. You get piad for each impression! This is going to be a great way to make money, and NetAudioAds also offers a generous referral program. Sign up for your free account today and give it a try.
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