I just recently discovered Squidoo. I like lenses way better than blogs, so I've reorganized all of this info and put it on these lenses:
How to Be Successful with GPTs
Get Paid to Take Surveys
The Simplest Online Money Making Info Ever
I've Discovered Squidoo
Dramaticly Increase Your Earnings With Referrals
Your referrals, or people you recruit to join a GPT or paid survey site under you, are your downline. You can easily go from earning $20 a month to hundreds by building your downline. I've even see people earn as much as $1,500 by building up an awesome downline. Anyone can have a huge downline. All it takes is time.
Below I've created a list of various ways you can advertise your referral link so that you can build your downline.
1) Email a quick ad to your friends and family.
2) Put a brief ad in your signature that you use in all forums that you post in. Also, get very active in a variety of forums to spread your link around.
3) Advertise in forums that allow it. Just make quality posts in forums that don't allow ads and let your signature do the work for you.
4) Make a blog or website.
5) Make a Squido lens (I will be doing this myself this summer).
6) Write an ad on your paper money. After I cash my GPT and paid survey checks I write the following ad on my money: "I made this money at http://cashcrate.com/394552" or I'll write "I made this money online. Learn how at "PaidSurveySitesReallyWork.Blogspot.com."
7) Make flyers and post them around where you live and/or travel.
8) Mail out ads either as letters or save money and mail out postcards. If it looks like junk mail from the envelope, people will toss it without even opening it, so a postcard is more likely to get read any way.
9) Talk in chat rooms that are about "easy money" or "working from home."
10) Put an ad in the classifieds.
11) Talk to passersby at a local college and hand out flyers.
12) Put an ad on your car so everyone sees your link when you're driving around.
13) Have a button made up and where it. It could read, "I make money online for free" or "ask me how I make free money."
14) Have business cards made and pass them out at every opportunity.
15) Put your referral link in your email signature
Sites With Good Referral Programs
This post is all about GPT and paid survey sites that have great referral programs. All of these sites are completely free to join and really pay. You risk nothing at all by giving them a try.
Cash Crate
In case you haven't figured it out yet, Cash Crate is my absolute favorite money making site! To get paid by them the first time you have to cashout and confirm your phone number. After that, they automatically send you a check each month you make at least $10 (which is super easy with Cash Crate).
I just had a baby last month and haven't had any time at all to complete offers on my own or to recruit more referrals. I currently have 48 active referrals with Cash Crate and they have earned me $30.58 this month! I've made $30.58 this month by doing absolutely nothing. I don't even have to remember to cashout. They will simply mail me my check.
Their Referral Program:
Every Cash Crate member earns an automatic $3.00 each time any of your referrals reaches their $10 cashout for the first time. Each member earns a standard 20% of what ever their referrals make, plus an additional 10% of what their referrals' referrals earn. This is called the bronze level, which is where everyone starts out. As you gain additional active referrals, your percentage earned grows as follows:
Bronze - 0 Active Referrals - 20% First Level, 10% Second Level
Silver - 50 Active Referrals - 25% First Level, 10% Second Level
Gold - 150 Active Referrals - 25% First Level, 15% Second Level
Platinum - 300 Active Referrals - 30% First Level, 15% Second Level
Elite - 500 Active Referrals - 30% First Level, 20% Second Level
You can make a lot with Cash Crate with just a little bit of effort. Register with them for free and start advertising your referral link today!
This is a GPT site that pays you to complete offers and has a great referral program. They pay you:
- $1 bonus when your referral confirms his/her email address
- $2 bonus when your referral completes his/her first offer
- $5 bonus each and every time any of your referrals cashes out
InboxDollars pays you to read emails, complete offers, and complete surveys. They give a $5 sign up bonus. With their referral program, you earn 10% of everything your referrals earn.
Earn More With Referrals
Almost all GPT sites and a few of the paid survey sites offer a referral program. The way referral programs work is you recruit people to join the site you belong to (using your referral link for that site) and then you earn a percentage of everything they earn. Some sites pay for 2-3 levels.
You can earn money by just completing offers and surveys on your own, you can recruit referrals every now and then and have them earn for you too, or you can recruit full time and let your referrals do all the work for you. It's up to you. When you see people making $500-$1,200 a month with GPTs it's because they have a lot of referrals.
But, don't get discouraged. If getting a lot of referrals and earning a steady income is your goal, you can get there with a little persistence.
There are 2 things you need to do: 1) join sites that have great referral programs and 2) advertise your referral link to those sites. It's really very simple. All you need to do is invest some time in building your "downline" (all your referrals and your referrals' referrals) and then let it work for you.
In the next two posts, I will give details about sites that I've found that have good referral programs and I will also give tips on how to advertise your referral links.
Many people who are earning good steady incomes with GPTs and paid survey sites aren't willing to share this information unless you are in their downline. For some reason they want to keep it all a big secret. This doesn't make sense to me because I don't lose money by teaching you how to make money. All I ask is that if you find the information on this blog helpful, useful, or interesting then please sign up for these programs via my links so that I can build my downline too. Thank you and happy earning!
Get a Free Phone Number to Use for GPTs
Unfortunately, when completing offers on GPTs you must supply authentic information. Entering fake phone numbers and addresses will get you banned from the GPTs. But, very few of us enjoy being bothered by telemarketers at our home phone number, or even worse, on our cell phones.
There is a solution, and it's free! K7 Unified Messaging will give you a free phone number that will accept voicemails and faxes. You can access your messages via their website, via your email, or both (it's your choice). It's 100% free and the only information they require is an email address. They never ask for your mailing address, phone number, etc.
I highly recommend signing up for a free phone number with them by going to this link and using that number when completing GPT offers.
This site is a completely free service. They have no referral program, etc. So, I don't benefit in anyway by referring people to this site.
More GPTs that I've Started Working With
I've gotten into a good rhythm with all of the GPTs and paid survey sites that I work with, so I've joined a few more to add to my monthly income. Here is a little bit about each of the free money making sites that I've discovered.
Deal Barbie
Deal Barbie is a GPT that is really popular, especially with stay at home moms. They have a $20 minimum cashout and pay with your choice of PayPal, check, or Amazon gift card.
Race 4 Clicks
Race 4 Clicks is an easy GPT site that has a super low payout and they give you a 50 cent sign up bonus. This site has ads that you can view for seconds and get paid and also has other free GPT sites that they pay you to join. The have a minimum of $2 cashout via PayPal and $5 minimum via check.
Race 4 Offers
Race 4 Offers is a GPT that is very user friendly and has a low minimum cashout of $10. They pay via PayPal or check. With Race 4 Offers you can make money by viewing ads, completing offers, and referring new members.
The GPTs That I Make Money From
I love, love, love GPTs (get paid to) sites. Most of them have offers to complete for cash. Many of them are 100% free and pay anything from 20 cents to $1.50 each. If you're very organized, I'm not, you can complete trial offers for more money--usually varies from $2.50 to $30.00 per offer.
Below I've listed all the GPTs that I like and a little information about each of them. All are 100% free. So, feel free to join them all and give them a try.
Cash Crate
This one is my favorite. It's super easy to get offers to clear with this site. They pay super fast too. As long as your account has at least $10 in it, you will receive a check in the mail around the 21st of ever month.
Pros: pays fast, many offers to choose from, pays you 20% of what your referrals make and 20% of what their referrals make & gives you a $3.00 bonus the first time each of your referrals cashes out , offers 2 daily surveys that pay $0.80 to $1.00 each.
Cons: I haven't found one yet.
Minimum payout: $10
Tip: Be sure to verify your phone number so you can receive your first payment.
Fusion Cash
Fusion Cash has offers and surveys to complete. Fusion Cash lets you choose your payment method. They pay either by check, paypal, or direct deposit.
Pros: easy to use website, do not have to hit a submit button after completing offers, 20%/10% referral program just like Cash Crate
Cons: not as many offers as Cash Crate
Minimum Payout: $25
Squishy Cash
Squishy Cash is a neat site. I'm starting to like it almost as much as Cash Crate. It has a lot of offers to choose from. Best of all, the constantly run promotions that let you earn more. They have an inbox you can check for messages and they send you one for each promotion. For example, this week's promotion is they give you a free $1 for every $3 that you earn. Sometimes they even give you a promotional code you can type in for a free 50 cents. They always have something going on to help you earn more.
Pros: great promotions, many offers, many payment options, 20% referral program
Cons: you must clear your cookies before each offer so they can clear
Minimum Payout: $20
Clix Sense
The most trusted pay to click site out there. Clix Sense pays you to view 30 second ads. Almost all other pay to click sites try to base their site off of what Clix Sense has been doing.
Pros: low $10 minimum payout, very trusted
Cons: there aren't very many ads to view unless you upgrade your account (which is $10)
Minimum Payout: $10 via check
Treasure Troopers
Treasure Troopers is yet another site that lets you complete offers and surveys for cash. The pay by check monthly as long as your account has a minimum of $20. If you do not reash $20 per month, it will just roll over to the next month (just like almost all GPTs).
Pros: easy to use site, pays 20% of what your first level referrals earn and 5% of what your second level earns
Cons: I sometimes have trouble getting offers to clear. You must have your internet explorer security settings turned down and pop up blocker turned off to get offers to clear.
Minimum payout: $20 via check
Sparkle Dollars
Sparkle Dollars pays you cash to complete offers, but they also have a few pay to clicks offered each day. All you do is click on an ad, view it for a few seconds, and then they immediately credit your account. They offer a low, low minimum payout of $5.00 and regularly run contests and promotions as additional incentives.
Pros: easy to use site, low $5.00 payout is super easy to reach, offers pay to clicks
Cons: pays through paypal with $5 minimum, or money order with a $10 minimum, but charges a fee for the money order (I prefer to be paid via check)
Minimum payout: $5.00 via papal
Inbox Dollars & Send Earnings
I love these two sites. I've lumped them together because they work the same way. The sites almost look and navigate exactly the same. Both sites pay you to read email. All you do is open the paid emails they send you, click a confirmation link at the bottom, and your account is immediately creditted. They also have paid offers to complete on their site and daily surveys (I tend to not qualify for many of their surveys due to being a married white female). I don't earn enough to reach payout with them monthly (I will after getting some referrals under me though), but just clicking on the emails does add up over time and takes very little effort and time to do.
Pros: paid emails are a super easy way to earn, gives you a $5.00 sign up bonus, also has paid offers and surveys, run sweepstakes as additional ways to earn
Cons: doesn't have as many offers to choose from as some other sites
Minimum Payout: $30.00 via check
I love this site! It's a paid to click site. No offers or surveys to click. No contests or sweeps to enter. All you do is view 30 second ads for 1 cent each, which surprisingly really ads up. They also have an amazing referral program!
Pros: pays you 100% of what you referrals earn, lets you buy referrals from them if you don't have time to build up referrals
Cons: only pays via AlertPay
Minimum Payout: $10
Hits 4 Pay
How you earn with Hits 4 Pay:
Pros: easy to earn
Cons: not as many options to earn as other sites
Direct Earnings: Earn $0.02 for each validated email that you read
Second Level: Earn $0.01 for each validated email that your direct referrals read.
Third Level: Earn $0.01 from each validated email that your direct referral's referral reads.
Minimum Payout: $25 via paypal
About Making Money With Opportunity Sites
If you are new to making money online, then be sure to look at my earlier posts (especially the posts titled "Introduction," "Paid Survey & GPT Sites Explained," "How to be Successful," and "Get in the Mindset to Make Money." Those posts are super valuable to anyone who is new to making money online or anyone who is serious about making money with GPTs and paid surveys. Use the right column to navigate through this blog. You can browse by topic or look through the archive which lists all of the posts ever made.
If you are wanting to make this a hobby, you can easily make $20-50 a month. To do that, I would deffinitely start out with Cash Crate. Then choose a couple more sites that you like. Good GPT choices would be: Fusion Cash, Squishy Cash, and Sparkle Dollars. A great survey choice is Your 2 Cents. And great paid to click choices are Bux.to and Clix Sense.
If you want to make serious money, then join all of the sites I listed above and spend a little time each week trying to get referrals under you, as well as working on completing surveys and offers. After you get the hang of dealing with this list of money making sites, then join and try out other sites that I have listed in the right hand column.
Things might be slow the first 2-3 months that you do this. My first 2 months, I only earned about $25 a month (from Cash Crate). But, after you get in a good rythm and learn which sites you like the best, you will see bigger earnings.
I know that some people who work hard to get referrals under them will say that you will make big money immediately, but that's not true. Anything that sounds too good to be true is. But, you really can make a steady income doing GPTs and paid survey sites if you spend a little time on it regularly.
I look at it as a job. I have to put time into it if I want to make hundreds a month. But the benefits are:
1) I choose when I work. I never have to call in sick or take vacation time. I work when it's convenient to me and my family.
2) I didn't have to apply, interview, or compete for this job and I'm in no danger of being fired ever. Working in the job force can be stressful. You're always worried about your job performance and whether you willl get laid off, etc.
3) I can spend time with my toddler while I'm also doing a few offers and surveys.
Things to keep in mind:
1) Do not EVER join a GPT or survey site that has a membership fee. If you have to pay just to join, then it is NOT legit.
2) Check your email often. Paid survey sites will email you surveys that you can complete for money or other incentives. Some of the offers you complete on GPT sites will require you click on a link in a confirmation email.
3) Give honest information. If any of the sites you work with find out that you are giving false information, they will cancel your account.
4) You do not have to have referrals under you in order to earn money, but you earn more and faster if you do have referrals.
5) The money will not flow in unless you spend some time on this.
Be sure to check out the rest of my blog for good tips to get you on the path to making money. Email me if you have any specific questions.
Cash Crate Paid Me Today
I just received my December's earnings from Cash Crate today. It wasn't very big this month because I hardly did any offers because of Christmas. I received $25.16, which is nothing to sneeze at since I only put in about 2-3 hours in on Cash Crate for the whole month of December. Plus, I don't have any active referrals yet. Cash Crate is very legit, pays fast, has a ton of free offers to complete, and their offers clear faster and easier than any of the other GPTs I work with.
If you haven't signed up with them yet, you must give them a try. It is completely free.
Get Paid to View 30 Sec. Ads - I Love the Site!
Bux.to is an awesome site. They have 30 second ads that you view and each one pays you a penny. What is so great about Bux.to is that they also pay you 100% of what your referrals make. It is the easiest site that I'm currently making money with. I open an ad and let it run for 30 seconds in the background while I check my email and do my Cash Crate offers. I flip back to the ad and check the timer every once and a while. When the timer is done, I just close the window, open a new ad, and flip back to what ever I was working on. That's it! Bux.to is free to join. Give it a try.
Do You Have Your Own Site or Blog?
If you have your own blog or site you might as well earn some money from it by running some advertising on it. I have an entire website devoted to explaining how advertising and affiliate programs work. If you have a site of your own, it's worth taking a look at http://putyoursitetowork.googlepages.com/.
I recommend the following advertising companies. All three are free to join!
Widget Bucks gives you a $25 sign up bonus and have a low $50 minimum cashout. They also have a referral program in which you can make a percentage of what ever your referrals make with their advertising. You can try them out for free by clicking the button below.
When looking for a free advertising program to go with to monetize your site, AdSense is the huge monster in the industry that everyone knows about. But there is a new advertising program on the market that may soon be the next giant. It is called NetAudioAds and they offer PPP (pay per play) ads instead of PPC (pay per click) ads. This is a very exciting concept! With PPC ads, you don't make money unless someone clicks on one of your ads and more and more people are beginning to ignore text and image ads. With PPP ads, however, a 5 second audio ad plays as soon as someone loads up your site. You get piad for each impression! This is going to be a great way to make money, and NetAudioAds also offers a generous referral program. Sign up for your free account today and give it a try.
All of the Paid Suvey Sites that I Work With
I know that any time someone has some success with making money online for free, people want to know exactly how it's being done. In the previous post, I gave very improtant tips and tricks about how to be efficient and successful with any paid sites you choose to join. Now I will tell you about the sites that I've joined and currently work with.
I have chosen to spend the majority of my time on GPTs rather than paid survey sites because I can make more with them. Paid survey sites tend to reward your efforts with point or sweepstakes entries, whereas GPTs give you cash. In this post I will list the paid survey sites that I like and tell you a little bit about each one. I'm currently working on a similar post for the GPTs that I like, but since that list is quite long, it will take some time before that post is complete.
Paid Survey Sites I Like:
Pine Cone Research
Free to join
You can only join via invitation. If you get active enough with paid survey sites and GPTs, you will eventually receive an invitation. When you get one be sure to join. They email you surveys and send you payment per survey. For example, I completed a survey for them on February 28th and received a $3 check on March 4 for that one survey! It's a great site
Survey Savvy
Free to join.
Member of the Better Business Bureau.
Complete your profile information and then they start to email you surveys.
There is no minimum payout. You can request your check at anytime.
You earn an average of $3 for each survey you qualify for and complete. You earn an average of $2 for each survey your referrals qualify for and complete and $1 for each survey your referrals' referrals qualify for and complete. If you attempt to complete a survey but do not qualify, you are entered into their monthly sweepstakes drawing for fifty $10 prizes.
Your Free Surveys
Free to join.
$4 Sign up bonus.
Pays in $25 increments via PayPal.
Has surveys to choose from on their website and also sends you more surveys via email.
Survey Spot
Free to join.
Member of the Better Business Bureau.
SurveySpot offers members three ways to earn cash and prizes:
- Every time you take a survey, you qualify to play an Instant Win Game with thousands of dollars in cash and prizes.
- Every time you take a survey, you earn an entry into SurveySpot's $25,000 cash sweepstakes, awarded every quarter.
- Certain surveys offer cash awards after you complete the survey.
How to be Successful - Tips & Tricks
First you need to set goals. Decide if you want to make a little extra money and treat this as a hobby or if you want to make free online money making opportunities into a business and bring home a steady monthly income.
If you are just wanting to make GPTs and paid surveys a hobby, then I would suggest joining Cash Crate first. It is the easiest of all the GPTs that I've tried. It has a ton of offers to complete for cash. It is super easy to get your offers to approve with Cash Crate (no need to clear you cookies). Best of all, Cash Crate pays super fast. If you have fun with Cash Crate and have enough time to tinker around with some other sites, then try out a few of the other sites I've listed on this blog (in the right column) and choose the ones that you find to be the most enjoyable to you.
If you want to treat this more like a business, then I'll get you started on the road to success. You could easily join a whole bunch of sites, but if you don't get organized in the beginning it will be very hard to make money efficiently. The following tips will get you well on the way to making money online:
1) Choose a password that means something to you. Be sure that it is one that you will not forget. Use this password for you gmail account (more about this in step 2) and for all of your online memberships. You don't want to sign up with a whole bunch of different sites and use a lot of different passwords or you'll forget which password goes to which site. If you've already joined a few sites and used various passwords, don't worry. Just log into your account and change your password. You can always go to your profile or account information on these sites and your email address, password, and mailing address if necessary.
2) Create a gmail account with Google (this is a free email account) to use just for the GPT and survey sites that you use. Putting your email address out there through the surveys and offers that you'll be completing will result in a lot of junk email and you don't want that to clog up your permanent email address. There is a very important reason to make your money making email account with Google. Gmail allows you to put a period any where in the first portion of the address and it still act as your address. For example, if you email account were surveysavvy@gmail.com you could use s.urveysavvy@gmail.com or su.rveysavvy@gmail.com and so on. This is a huge tip! Many of the offers that you'll be completing are offered by the same companies and if you use the same address over and over, your offers will stop clearing. But, if you use the gmail account idea that I just presented, it will trick the companies into thinking it's a unique email address. What I do is move the period down one letter each day. So, Monday I would use surveysavvy@gmail.com and Tuesday I would use s.urveysavvy@gmail.com until I make my way down the address and it rotates back to the original address. Use your original gmail address to register with all of the GPT and paid survey sites. If you start putting periods in your registration address, you'll have trouble logging into the sites because you won't remember how you registered with each site.
3) Keep track of each site you register with as you sign up for your free accounts. First create a folder in your favorites called something like "internet earners" and every time you register for a money making site, save it to your favorites in this folder. As you experiment with different sites, if you come across one that you don't like at all you can delete it from your favorites so you don't waste time at it again. Like wise if you take any of my traffic advice that I discussed in earlier posts, you can create a folder called "marketing" or something similar and when you join a traffic building site you can add it to your favorites in this folder. Organizing your links in this manner will help a lot. Then on days that you have time to work on your money making opportunities, you can just go down the list of links in your favorites.
4) Create and Excel spreadsheet that has a list of all the money making sites you register with. Then add a columns for amount earned, minimum payout, fees, and payment method. These sites are willing to pay you for your participation because they make money by getting more users because it's all about advertising. Companies are willing to pay big money in order to get your contact information so that they can advertise their products and services to you. Always remember that these sites are in it to make money. Many of them will not pay you unless you ask for your payment by cashing out. If you update your spreadsheet weekly, it will be really easy to see when you reach your minimum payout with a particular site and then you can log in and cash out.
5) Set your computer to accept all cookies. Go to "Tools" in Internet Explorer, then "Internet Options," then the "privacy" tab. Once there set your privacy setting to accept all cookies. Many sites will not clear any offers at all unless you do this. Cash Crate was clearing about 85% of the offers I did even when I had my privacy setting set on medium.
6) Before you log into each site, clear all your cookies. You do this under "Tool" and then the general tab. If you have trouble clearing offers on certain sites, then you will need to clear your cookies before each offer (you have to do this on Squishy).
7) Almost all of the GPT and paid survey sites have referral programs. These are great; they allow you to make money on auto pilot. You make a percentage of what your referrals make. You get your referral link or banners by going to the referral section of each money making site. You can advertise your links on your blog, put it in your email signature, etc. You can get other referral and traffic tips in an earlier post I made.
8) Set aside some time to work on the offers and surveys weekly. You will not make money unless you put some time into this. It might seem insignificant at first...25 cents here, a dollar there. But it really adds up. For an example, the following chart shows how it is only January 8th, but I already have made $83.81 so far this month:
Site Amount
Cash Crate $25.63
Clix Sense $ 0.75
Fusion Cash $10.00
Inbox Dollars $11.75
Panda Research $ 5.00
Send Earnings $11.81
Snap Dollars $ 5.49
Squishy Cash $ 5.63
Swat Cash $ 1.00
This Site is for Real $ 2.25
Treasure Trooper $ 0.50
Your Free Surveys $ 4.00
How to Get More Referrals & Traffic
Free Traffic Building Services:
Link Referral is an amazing site for gaining referrals and traffic. It's free to sign up and they let you have up to 10 different links. You have to sign up each link separately using the same email address, but a different password. If you have a website or blog, you can register it with Link Referral to get more traffic. If all you do is GPT and paid survey sites, you can choose your 10 favorite and register your referral links with Link Referral. You will most likely see an increase in referrals and traffic the first day you join Link Referral.
Tip: Be sure to keep your ranking high with Link Referral by viewing other sites, posting to the forum, leaving site reviews, etc. You will see details on Link Referral's site.
Get Ref is another free site that will get you more referrals. It isn't as easy or fast as Link Referral. But, it's worth registering if you have enough time to put into it. It works like a GPT site, but instead of earning cash for clicking and signing up for offers, you earn referrals. You can also pay a small fee to upgrade your account and make cash as well.
Traffic Swarm is another GPT type traffic building site. It's free to join. You build up credits by visitting other members' sites. Then you can spend your credits to entice members to visit your site. Even if you only have a little time to devot to Traffic Swarm monthly, it will still trickle a bit more traffic to your site or referral link that you otherwise wouldn't have.
Five Hits is yet another free traffic building site in which you earn credits in order to spend them for free traffic. I just joined it today, but so far it really has my interest. It allows you to create banner adds and text links for members to view and click on.
Other Ways to Increase Traffic:
The easiest way to get more refferals and traffic is to put you link in your signature. Include your link in the signature on all of your emails and all of your forum posts. Some of your emails will likely get forwarded without anyone taking the time to delete your signature. This is free advertising! Also, start getting very active on various forums. Make sure all of your posts have your signture with your link so that you get even more exposure.
You can also use old methods of advertising. Post flyers with your link. Print out business cards and pass them around. You can even advertise your link on your vehicle. Then you're advertising yourself every time you leave the house.
Squishy Cash - A Great GPT
Squishy Cash is a great GPT site that has many different types of offers and surveys to complete for cash. Squishy has a great navigation menu that allows you to sort offers to only show those that require one field submits (either email or zip code). A neat feature of Squishy is that its offers earn you cash and chips. You can redeem chips for sweepstakes entries or gift cards.
Squishy pays via check, PayPal, or Amazon gift card. They have a low $20 minimum payout.
Tip: Be sure to check your inbox with Squishy. It's a black button at the top right of the page. The administration sends you tips daily to your inbox. Often times it's about exclusive offers or sweepstakes that you can enter. One day I received a message that said that all offers that day were paying double! Today I received a message that had a link and gave me a promotional code to paste in after clicking the link. I was then immediately creditted 25 cents just for using the code!
Get in the Mindset to Make Money
If you're serious about wanting to make money with GPT and paid survey sites, you need to look at it as a job. You need to set aside time weekly to log into your favorite GPT and paid survey sites and complete surveys and offers.
I've received messages from people who try a few sites for one day, get frustrated and give up. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that this is free money! You didn't have to complete a resume or compete for a job position and you don't have to commute to work. So, don't expect to make $10-$20 per survey or offer. Sites that claim that are usually scams.
Most surveys and offers earn you just a few cents to sometimes $1.50 each. But, when you take the time to complete offers and surveys regularly it really adds up. If you get referrals under you, then you will really start to see profits.
I advise working on your GPT and survey sites 3 to 4 hours a week and checking your email (some of Cash Crate's offers clear after confirming an email and some sites send you paid emails) at least ever other day.
In addition to setting aside time to complete offers, you should dedicate an hour a week to advertising your referral link so you can get referrals under you. Every site that I work with has a referral program which allows me to earn a percentage of what my referrals earn.
You will be spending more time on all of this during your first month because you won't be familiar with the sites yet. Once you get familiar with the sites and how the offers and surveys work, you will be trucking along and getting a lot more accomplished in less time.
Cash Crate - My Favorite GPT Site!
I work with a lot of GPT and paid survey sites. Cash Crate is my absolute favorite, though.
Cash Crate's site is super easy to navigate, they pay via check and do not charge a fee for the service, they have a ton of offers to choose from, they offer 2 daily surveys that each pay 80 cents, and they pay you super fast!
The best part about Cash Crate is that unlike many other sites, it isn't tricky to get your offers and surveys to clear. I never have to worry about deleting my cookies with Cash Crate.
There are 2 things that you definitely have to do with Cash Crate to earn the most possible: 1) be sure to go back and click the submit button from the offers' list on Cash Crate's site after you've completed an offer or you won't get credit (tip: Cash Crate won't let you submit unless you have at least looked at the offer, so sometimes it's a good idea to just go down the list and click submit on all of the offers just in case you forgot to submit one that you did), 2) be sure to check your email because some of the offers require that you verify your email address before the offer clears.
Cash Crate is super easy and pays fast. Even if you aren't looking to spend a ton of time doing GPT and survey sites and you sign up for only one site, be sure to make it Cash Crate.
- CashCrate (1)
- CashCrate Review (1)
- Get Referrals (4)
- Getting Started (10)
- GPT Sites (12)
- GPT Sites that Pay (2)
- Increase Traffic (2)
- Make Money Online (3)
- Online Money Makers (2)
- Paid Survey Sites (5)
- Tips and Tricks (12)
- Work from Home (2)
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- Cash Crate - My Favorite GPT Site!
- Get in the Mindset to Make Money
- Squishy Cash - A Great GPT
- How to Get More Referrals & Traffic
- How to be Successful - Tips & Tricks
- All of the Paid Suvey Sites that I Work With
- Do You Have Your Own Site or Blog?
- Get Paid to View 30 Sec. Ads - I Love the Site!
- Cash Crate Paid Me Today
- Cash Crate Paid Me Today
- Get Paid to View 30 Sec. Ads - I Love the Site!
- Do You Have Your Own Site or Blog?
- All of the Paid Suvey Sites that I Work With
- How to be Successful - Tips & Tricks
- How to Get More Referrals & Traffic
- Squishy Cash - A Great GPT
- Get in the Mindset to Make Money
- Cash Crate - My Favorite GPT Site!